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The moment you have been waiting on!

This is It!

Some of us having been avoiding our credit for years!!! But guess what? Bad things happen to good people. So lets take it a step further - Good things happen to good people too!

And this is one of them.

Lets not look at this opportunity lightly. Lets embrace the fact that Treasure Your Credit didn't find you. You found Treasure Your Credit and UCES Platform!

You are taking a responsible step to not just be average but to be Fantastic.

We are All heading for a 850 point credit score.

Rule #1

Do not let anyone discourage you from deleting anything from your history nor building fast and sufficient. You are paying for a service to undo what the economy and the school districts should have taught every citizen about long ago. Some got the information from their wealthy friends and family member at a young age and some were even given credit history to from the very beginning. So, never feel bad. Always embrace your individuality and remember that the journey only makes you strong and gives you the strength you need to endure whats waiting for you at the top.

Rule #2

Stay consistent. This is why we blog!

To keep our credit goals at the top of our minds. It does not have to sit at number one priority but it can definitely rest in your top 5. Look at it as a table, with out the table the food and drinks on the table can't sit still. Point being- don't we all need stability in our lives? Credit is STABILITY. Credit is what stabilizes all of your top of the line priorities. Credit stabilizes your business and/or hobby, it stabilizes your home, your peace of mind and your children's immediate needs.

Rule #3

Never think you know it all. The reason this rule is very important is because the world is round and it moves everyday. That is unless you think its FLAT, which is a whole new conversation. SO, lets assumes its round for the sake of this rule. We want to remember that that things are constantly changing in the real world. Interest rates, credit card policies, insurance, the real estate market, the auto industry and more. So the best thing you can do is stay updated. Your experience will add so much flavor to your success when in a updating mentality!!

Thanks for sticking with your goals!!

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