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Small Individual Braids

Some of you that are regular clients and may be aware of the 3 braid sizes offered with AZ Summer Stylez Braiding.  It's pretty simple 😊here right?

Large Box Braids - Pretty Popular

Medium Box Braids - Most Requested by far

Small Individual Braids - Less Often booked

Small Size Photo Below

Everyone chooses their style for different personal reasons.  Some decide on their braid size based on the sitting time, some focus on the price, others think about the ability to grow the natural hair, some look at photos sizes online and some clients base it on how long the braids will potentially last.  It is not easy to determine why some clients choose what sizes.   

What I can say is that although size small is not amongst the most highly requested - the few clients that choose it always get small all the time.  I'm guessing some people just prefer it and it may go with their face or personality. 

The client below have been recieving size small braids for over 10 years with AZ Summer Stylez and have grown her natural hair to the length of these braids are have recently cut it again. 

Either way small size Individuals is the smallest we offer. No micros or anything smaller unfortunately.  I believe that this is a very comfortable, healthy and good looking size for those who wear it.  It helps the hair grow at a great rate and it looks awesome for a long period of time.  However, it does take about 2 hours longer than medium size and is also priced accordingly.  

The client below is young and talented.  She looks amazing on this particuliar size. 

Light Weight - Low Maintenance ~ Growth - Flawless Braids 

Text or Call to book service 6263991947 

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